Friday, January 31, 2014

last minute resolutions

It's never too late to promise yourself you are going to do something for the better! As I sit here curled up in my blanket on this last day of the first month of a brand new year...I want to challenge myself to strive to make some changes in my life. There's no better way to hold your self accountable for something than sharing it with the world, so here you go friends!

My last minute resolutions for 2014 are as follows:
  • A bad habit I'm going to break: Procrastination! I have developed a nasty habit of putting things off and I really want to work hard to break this ridiculousness.
  • A new skill I'd like to learn: I really want to learn how to code websites. Nothing too extravagant to begin with, just the basics. I've only dabbled with it in the past, but at some point this year I want to learn enough to be able to rely on myself to manage my own website.
  • A person I hope to be more like: My meme. She was the absolute most kind, caring, God-loving woman I have ever known. I am very fortunate to have been given the opportunity to make so many wonderful memories with such an amazing woman. As I look back on my childhood and teen years, I realize just how much she allowed Christ to shine through her and it makes me want to strive to be exactly like her.
  • A good deed I'm going to do: It is my hope to help someone who is building the foundation of their new business succeed. I would love to share my love of design and photography with someone who is taking a leap of faith and going out on their own. It's a scary world out there and everyone deserves a hand to hold!
  • A place I'd like to visit: One of my very best friends has lived in Boston for a few years now and sadly, I have never gotten to go visit her. Work, school, and life have always gotten in the way, however I am bound and determined to venture north this year!
  • A book I'd like to read: The Steve Jobs book. I've been wanting to read this ever since it hit the shelves and I've just never gotten around to doing so. He has such a powerful story and I'd love to read all the details.
  • A letter I'm going to write: I came across a list of blog post ideas a few weeks ago and one suggested writing a letter to your sixteen year old self. How fun is that? If I had only known ten years ago the things I know now, my how different some of my decisions would have been!
  • A new food I'd like to try: I am bound and determined to find a recipe for a protein shake that doesn't make me want to throw it away after one sip. I've found a couple of store-bought shakes that I like pretty well, but nothing compares to something homemade.
  • I'm going to do better at: resting on Sundays. It's so very easy to use the entire weekend for your personal business when you are busy during the week with a full-time job. I've found myself coming home after work and being so tired I don't feel like working on anything business related, then pushing it all off to the weekend. I do not want to do this anymore! 
This is what I plan on working on throughout the year...what are your last minute resolutions, friends?


  1. I love your list! New skills are challenging but so worth the effort. I can't wait to see how your coding skills progress! has some yummy protein shake recipes.

  2. Thank you so much! I'm excited to see how this all plays out! I've been wanting to learn how to code for a long time, but just never found the time. I will do it at some point this year...I've promised myself!

    Thanks for website! I am terrible at finding good recipe sites. I will definitely check it out!
